Good Construction Project Management =
Chaos Crushed!

With 25+ years of 'Left-Field Madness' experiences shared by hundreds of contractors from across the US, the construction project management information here is extensive and unique!

And those are only *some* of the difficult scenarios!

Then there are the more common issues...

Dealt with on a regular basis and  ** N.O.T. F.U.N. **

  • Bidding methods that have changed so very drastically over the past several years - and are still changing as rapidly as technology does - if you miss the new tech you lose your bids; we all know what happens when you can't win any bids.

  • 7-8-9-10 page contracts, each different depending on the project and your position within that project, with clauses that if you’re not careful will bite you in the bu... um… behind.

  • A rapidly, rapidly shrinking pool of reliable potential construction worker employees

Good construction project management cancels out the 'left-field madness'

Maybe you won't experience the above scenarios exactly but there are a million and one situations (and then some) that can, and do, go wrong in construction.

I found out through first-hand experience that just about *anything* could be waiting around the corner.

You almost have to run your business expecting the bad so that you do what you have to do, in order to prepare for it should it actually happen.

When the S does inevitably HTF you want to be prepared. And believe me, stuff happens!

Don't unquestioningly sign a document simply because you trust your customer.

What if your trusted customer dies and you're suddenly dealing with a legal corporation?

Don't skip a proposal/contract just because your customer is a relative or a friend. So often those are the types of arrangements that go south - and you're left holding the bag because you trusted.

Don't blow off getting a lien waiver/release form for a payment you made just because you golf with the guy on the weekends. He may have a (nefarious) 'silent' partner...

When I was new to the construction industry I experienced just about every pain a contractor could

I was alone with absolutely *zero* experience in the construction world, I couldn't afford an attorney, I relied on my supplier *heavily* to help me to learn the ins and outs, and when legal issues came up (such as questionable clauses in contracts) I just researched as much as I could.

I always told myself that I'd find some way to pay it forward, the fact that my suppliers were so incredibly helpful to me. In keeping with that goal and my effort to bring you the best of the best to help you to avoid the worst of the worst I invite you to...

Meet the Industry Experts!

Access to industry experts is becoming ever more important - in fact it's absolutely vital to the success of your business.

Until I have individual question/answer boxes for each of them please feel free to email your questions to me and I'll forward them to the expert you'd like to ask and then I'll send the answer to you as soon as it's ready - no charge.

"Hi Diane,

It is so refreshing to find someone who is willing to help just because they can. This is how I try to be also. There are so many people who operate using the old saying, "you can't get something for nothing"!

You really have gone above and beyond my expectations, and I want you to know that I truly appreciate it.

Very best regards,"
Marian Reich

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