By Diane Dennis
Knowing the lien laws in your state can assist you in protecting your receivables and lien rights but those lien laws have always been so darn difficult to understand.
Year after year, small businesses report higher unpaid receivables over the prior year. Thank goodness that as a contractor you've got mechanic's liens in your arsenal.
Here is a hub of informational articles about
mechanic's liens. If you have a question please feel
free to email me. I'll do my best to get an answer for you.
Now you can have access 24/7 to this growing, up-to-date information available on lien laws – and it’s all written in plain English so that it’s easy to understand!
Although every state in America provides builders, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers with legal means to get paid for their work - mechanics liens - no two states' lien laws are the same!
Without adequate knowledge of lien law statutes and their requirements, your mechanics lien rights could be silently evaporating - and you won't even know it until you're denied your lien.
It is critically important that you pay attention to, and don't miss, mechanic's lien law deadlines!
If you lack accurate, up-to-date information on mechanics lien laws, you could very easily miss a crucial filing date for a mechanics lien and jeopardize your claim.
The laws in some states even have more than one deadline to file a lien (e.g. 30 days if this happens, 90 days if that happens, etc.). It's so important to know that information
Please scroll down for a series of articles on mechanics lien law...
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Lack of in-depth knowledge, or access to information, will cost you.
It can seem intimidating but really, filing the mechanic's lien is the easy part...
Can, and should, a mechanic's lien be extended?
How to prepare and serve this important document
The value of a mechanic's lien isn't always equal to the contract balance owed to the claimant at the end of the project.
California Mechanics Lien Form
Excel and PDF
Instant Download
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Includes In-Depth Instructions
You can collect both, in different manners, but neither can be added to the mechanics lien form.
There are definite differences between them.
Contains an infographic with easy step-by-step information on how to file a mechanic's lien in Colorado.
If you record a mechanic's lien too soon you could lose all rights.
Just because you missed the deadline doesn't mean that all is lost!
The deadline is either 30 days or 90 days, depending on...
Do you have to do a preliminary notice for change orders?
Can an equipment rental company file a property lien (aka mechanic's lien)?
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